The IES Cañada Real welcomes you all to Spain.
That's part of our school staff, our students and our French visitors: Renée and Jean-Yves.


Visite des coordinateurs français

Voilá! Les deux coordinateurs français sont venus nous voir pour nous aider à préparer tout pour la semaine d'avril avec tous les partenaires.
Merci beaucoup mes amis.
Both Renée and Jean-Yves are great people. They had to really go through a long journey so as to come to Spain. They left Saint-Brieuc on Tuesday morning, they arrived in Madrid late in the evening, they came to our school on Wednesday morning and we spent a very good time together with them. Besides, we worked on getting everything ready for our Comenius Week in April and they went back to France early this morning.
Thanks a lot for your help.
We're just starting to be a bit nervous and we would like you all to get in touch with us and give us your opinion about everything.
See you soon,