This is part of the work we presented in Bormio





Legal field:

  • Drug squad
  • Anti-drug Agency of Madrid
  • National Plan of Drugs
  • Autonomic Plan of Drugs
  • Fundación de Ayuda contra la Drogadicción (Against Drug-addiction Foundation)
  • Concejalía de Seguridad (Public Safety Department)
  • State Security Forces (Civil Guard, National Police…)
  • Proyecto Hombre (Outpatient units for teenage offenders)
  • Prisons


  • University Prevention Centre for Drug-addiction
  • Prevention Centre for Drug-addiction
  • Consejo Escolar (Board of Governors)
  • National Institute on Drug Abuse

Public Health and Social field:

  • Consejería de Sanidad (Public Health Department of Madrid)
  • Concejalía de Salud (Public Health Department of Galapagar)
  • Alcoholics Anonymous
  • Narcotics Anonymous
  • Health care centres
  • Centro de Asistencia Integral a drogodependientes Collado Villalba ( Welfare Centre to Drug-addicts)
  • METABUS 2 (Methadone bus). Mobile Units
  • Narcosalas ( support units for drug addicts)DAVE in Madrid
  • Therapeutic units
  • Red Cross

Economic and Political field:

  • National Plan on drugs
  • “La Sociedad ante las Drogas” fórum (Society against Drugs)
  • Autonomic Plan on Drugs
  • National Institute on Drug Abuse
  • Youth Council
  • Leisure, free time and sport centres


Legal field:

  • Reducing drug consumption
  • Preventing drug consumption, damages
  • Punishing drug dealers
  • Offering alternatives to prison


  • Preventing drug consumption
  • Examining and preventing addictions, offering help for individuals, families and communities
  • Promoting basic competences and healthy habits
  • Reducing drug consumption
  • Offering advice and information
  • Promoting abstinence

Public Health and Social field:

  • Offering help and advice
  • Breaking addictions
  • Giving health care
  • Reducing damages
  • Healing

Economic and Political field:

  • Preventing and raising people’s awareness of drugs risks
  • Offering help and advice
  • Promoting healthy habits and sport
  • Building facilities to deal with drug issues


Legal field:

  • Programs
  • Institutional cooperation
  • Training, standardization of procedures
  • Assessment, control and rehabilitation

Measures are addressed to teenagers (at risk), but also other citizens as well


  • “Protegiéndote” (Prevention Program) “Cocaine”, “Piensa por ti” (Think of you!)
  • “Prevenir para Vivir” (Prevention for Life)
  • “Olimpo” (Healthy lifestyles), “Drugs: are you going to play?”
  • “Películas de cine” (Prevention through films)
  • “Déjame que te cuente algo sobre los porros” (Information about joints)
  • Workshops, surveys, lectures, comics

Aimed at teenagers 13-16

Public Health and Social field:

  • Servicio Itinerante de Prevención de las Adicciones (Roaming Service against Addictions) “Drogas o tú”
  • “Actúa” ( Act!) aimed at health workers, social services, volunteers, professionals
  • Workshops, lectures,
  • “Discóbolo” (through sport and healthy lifestyles
  • Methadone treatment
  • Support units for drug addicts
  • Emergency social units
  • Recipes for drinks without alcohol

Mostly aimed at young teenagers, adults and citizens

Economic and Political field:

  • “Programa de Formación en Prevención en colectivos profesionales” ( Prevention Program for Professionals)
  • “Jóvenes, ocio y salud” , “Jugar es la alternativa” (Prevention Programs) 11-16 years old
  • “+ familia” for parents with children aged 3-16


Legal field:

  • Judges, lawyers, solicitors
  • State Security Forces
  • Experts


  • Educators, teachers, volunteers, career advisers, psychologists, social workers, mediators

Public Health and Social field:

  • Doctors, nurses, psychologists, psychiatrists, mediators, social workers

Economic and Political field:

  • Social workers , psychologists, psychiatrists, doctors, professionals, bartenders

Often health is not considered a priority in a chaotic life where survival takes precedence. Indeed, preventative health care and management of chronic illness is often overlooked.

Consequently, there is a need for services to be equipped to respond at the moment help is sought. Discrimination, judgmental attitudes and lack of understanding (perceived or otherwise) only further contribute to limited contact with the mainstream health system.

A drug is any substance, solid, liquid or gas that changes the functions or structures of the body in some way. This excludes food and water, which are required to maintain normal body functioning.

The drugs of most concern to the community are those that affect a person's central nervous system. These are the psychoactive drugs. They act on the brain and can change the way a person thinks, feels or behaves.

Drugs are derived from a range of sources. Many are found in plants, for example nicotine in tobacco; caffeine in coffee beans; and cocaine from the coca plant. Morphine and codeine are derived from the opium poppy, while heroin is produced by the chemical modification of morphine. Marijuana is the leaf, buds and seed heads of the cannabis plant, while hashish and hash oil are the plant's resin.

Alcohol is produced by the natural process of fermentation that happens when fruit, grain or vegetables decompose. Certain fungi, such as magic mushrooms and cactus plants, are considered drugs because of their hallucinogenic properties. Medicines can be manufactured from both natural and artificial chemicals.

A number of state and national surveys have been conducted to assess the extent of drug use. These surveys provide clear evidence that Spain is a nation of drug users.

Estimations of the Spanish population aged 14 and over, at some time in their lives, who have taken drugs:

  • 90.71% had used alcohol;
  • 47.1% had used tobacco;
  • 33.61% had used marijuana;
  • 5.5% had used analgesics (pain-killers); (a)
  • 2.8% had used tranquillisers/sleeping pills; (a)
  • 7.5% had used hallucinogens;
  • 9.1% had used methamphetamine (speed); (a)
  • 7.5% had used ecstasy; (c)
  • 4.7% had used cocaine;
  • 2.5% had used inhalants;
  • 1.4% had used heroin;
  • 0.3% had used steroids; (a) and
  • 0.3% had used methadone. (b)
  1. For non-medical purposes.
  2. Non-maintenance.
  3. This category included substances known as 'designer drugs'.

The prevalence of consumption of illegal drugs (cannabis, cocaine, synthetic and medical drugs) in adolescents of Madrid. A sample of 1570 subjects of both sexes was studied (54.4% were boys and 45.6% were girls) within a range from 14 to 18 years of age. The results pointed out that cannabis was the drug most consumed by young people showing a prevalence of consumption higher than that obtained by the other illegal drugs. The use of this type of drugs keeps a direct relationship with age, the group of 16 to 18 years old being the one of higher risk comparing with those of lower age.



Opiates/Opioids 384 29,6

Heroine 207 15,9

Methadone 140 10,8

Other Opioids 37 2,8


Cocaine 762 58,7

Amphetamines 40 3,1

MDMA y other related drugs(speed) 33 2,5

Other stimulants (excl. Caffeine & nicotine) 24 1,8


Benzodiazepines 273 21

Barbiturates 2 0,1

Antipsychotics 47 3,6

Non-barbiturate hypnotics 7 0,5

Other sedative hynoptics 12 0,9



CANNABIS 405 31,2


Teenagers start drinking alcohol at the age of 13 and finally drink alcohol at weekends when they are 15. Hashish is consumed first time among 71 % teenagers aged 13-16. Joints are highly smoked among students in Galapagar.

It is necessary to strengthen well-balanced social perceptions on drugs consumption which avoid both pessimism and indifference. It is required to strengthen the prevention practitioners’ formation, and also that of those people who participate in most of the local preventive actions as mediators. In order to make effective the priority given to prevention at public speeches, it must be reflected in the distribution of the drug dependencies public expenditure.



Legal field:

· Constitutional Court

· High Court

· Juvenile Court


  • Concejalía de Educación (Education Department of Galapagar)
  • Consejería de Educación (Education Deparment of Madrid)
  • Escuela de Familia

Public Health and Social field:

  • Concejalía de Sanidad, Salud y Bienestar Social (Public Health and Welfare Department of Galapagar)
  • Consejería de Sanidad y Bienesar Social (Public Health and Welfare Department of Madrid)
  • Hospitals, primary health care,

Economic and Political field:

  • Fundación Sauce (Charity)
  • Trade Unions
  • Concejalía de Salud Mental (Mental Health Department of Galapagar)


Legal field:

  • Restricting
  • Promoting dialogue
  • Fostering tools for understanding


  • Guiding people
  • Giving better understanding of adolescents
  • Offering communication skills
  • Understanding family backgrounds
  • Promoting group work
  • Promoting comprehensive health among teenagers: physical, psychological, sexual and social
  • Increasing personal awareness
  • Helping people in trouble and giving solutions

Public Health and Social field:

  • Promoting health and wellbeing
  • Fostering healthy and positive habits among teenagers
  • Reducing the risks to a minimum
  • Reiki (Japanese technique)
  • Guided meditation

Economic and Political field:

  • Promoting communication
  • Creating a formation range to share experiences
  • Considering differences
  • Offering opportunities to work
  • Promoting economic productivity
  • Offering Household wealth at a reasonable cost


Legal field:

  • Decrees and laws
  • Mental Hygiene

Mostly aimed at teenagers, adult people and citizens


  • “Taller de adolescents” (Workshop for teenagers)
  • “Taller de Inteligencia Emocional” (Emotional Intelligence Workshop)
  • Guidance at schools, workshops, lectures
  • Relaxation techniques and positive thinking

Public Health and Social field:

  • Workshops, lectures, treatment
  • Basic health care treatment
  • Hemi-sync (brain waves)

Economic and Political field:

  • Workshops, enquiries, surveys, guides and analysis of consequences


Legal field:

  • Judges, lawyers, solicitors, barristers, social workers, mediators, secretaries


  • Teachers, psychologists, advisers, social workers, mediators, psychiatrists,

Public Health and Social field:

  • Doctors, nurses, psychologists, psychiatrists, social workers, mediators

Economic and Political field:

  • Politicians, social workers, psychologists, psychiatrists, mediators,

Depression is a common mental disorder, characterized by sadness, loss of interest or pleasure, feelings of guilt or low self-worth, disturbed sleep or appetite, low energy and poor concentration.

These problems can become chronic or recurrent, substantially impairing an individual’s ability to cope with daily life. At its most severe, depression can lead to suicide. Most cases of depression can be treated with medication or psychotherapy.

Today, depression is already the 2nd cause of DALYs (Disability Adjusted Life Years) in the age category 15-44 years for both sexes combined.

  • Depression is common, affecting about 121 million people worldwide.
  • Depression is among the leading causes of disability worldwide.
  • Depression can be reliably diagnosed and treated in primary care.
  • Fewer than 25 % of those affected have access to effective treatments.

Occupational health deals with all aspects of health and safety in the workplace and has a strong focus on primary prevention of hazards. The health of the workers has several determinants, including risk factors at the workplace leading to cancers, accidents, musculoskeletal diseases, respiratory diseases, hearing loss, circulatory diseases, stress related disorders and communicable diseases and others.

Employment and working conditions in the formal or informal economy embrace other important determinants, including, working hours, salary, workplace policies concerning maternity leave, health promotion and protection provisions, etc.

Pressure at the workplace or peer pressure is unavoidable due to the demands of the contemporary work or students’ environment. Pressure perceived as acceptable by an individual, may even keep workers alert, motivated, able to work and learn, depending on the available resources and personal characteristics. However, when that pressure becomes excessive or otherwise unmanageable it leads to stress. Stress can damage an employees' health and the business and studying performance.

Work-related stress can be caused by poor work organisation (the way we design jobs and work systems, and the way we manage them), by poor work design (for example, lack of control over work processes), poor management, unsatisfactory working conditions, and lack of support from colleagues and supervisors.

Research findings show that the most stressful type of work is that which values excessive demands and pressures that are not matched to workers’ knowledge and abilities, where there is little opportunity to exercise any choice or control, and where there is little support from others.

Being respected and appreciated by significant others is one of the most fundamental human needs. Consequently, people go to great pain to gain acceptance and approval. Being appreciated is one of the most important factors that increases motivation and satisfaction as well as health and well-being.



Legal field:

· Consejería de Presidencia, Justicia e Interior (Presidence, Justice and Home Office Ministry of Madrid)

· INUTCAM (Instituto de Nutrición y Trastornos Alimentarios de la CAM)Nutrition and Eating Disorders Institute of Madrid.

· 900605040 (free)

· Concejalía de Seguridad (The Public Safety Town Department of Galapagar)

· Consejo para el Seguimiento del Pacto contra la Anorexia y la Bulimia ( Monitoring the Agreement against Anorexia and Bulimia Council)


· Consejería de Educación (Education Ministry of Madrid)

· Concejalía de Educación (Education Department of Galapagar)

· Primary schools, Secondary schools, universities

· Concejalía de Juventud (Youth Department)

· School Board

Public Health and Social field:


· Ayuda Mutua y Salud

· Seguro Escolar. Unidad de Apoyo a la Familia.

· Centro de Apoyo a la Familia “Mariam Suárez”.

· Centros ADANER (Asociación en Defensa de la Atención a la Anorexia Nervosa y Bulimia) (To deal with Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia)


· 900605040 (free)

· Centro de Salud de Galapagar ( Health Centre in Galapagar)

· Hospital Niño Jesús (under 18)

· Hospital Santa Cristina (over 18)

· Hospital Gregorio Marañón

· Hospital La Paz

· Hospital Clínica San Carlos





· Concejalía de Sanidad (Public Health Department)

Economic and Political field:

· Consejería de Educación (Education Department of Madrid)

· Consejería de Sanidad (Public Health Department of Madrid)

· Concejalía de Sanidad (Public Health Department of Galapagar)

· Concejalía de Educación (Education Department of Galapagar)

· Concejalía de Juventud y Deportes (Youth and Sport Department of Galapagar)

· Concejalía de Familia y Asuntos Sociales (Family and Social Affairs of Galapagar)

· Fashion Designers

· Universities

· Mass Media Organisations

· Pasarela Cibeles (Cibeles Madrid Fashion Show Organisers)

· Consumers Organisations


Legal field:

· Informing and advising of Eating Disorders procedures, resources and legal actions

· Including statements in favour of Anorexia and other eating disorders as penal crimes

· Detecting possible disorders

· Offering help at the beginning or just to continue with treatments available


· Including Education for Health in all the school projects, promoting healthy habits

· Fostering a healthy life, preventing and avoiding any kind of disorders

· Promoting a school full of different values

· Letting students get psychological and psychiatric treatment (outpatient departments, interment, outpatient surgery hospitals…)

Public Health and Social field:

· Giving answers to any doubts about what to do if you suffer from an eating disorder, giving information about all the resources available

· If you are sad, nervous, tired or just have any questions to be solved

· Offering help by means of different Health groups working in Madrid and Galapagar

· Helping families deal with risky situations like anorexia

· Medical treatment and health care

· Information exchange

Economic and Political field:

· Changing the environment that fosters eating disorders and food behaviour

· Improving Education Syllabus and the information given about the importance of a healthy diet

· Offering health care

· Promoting responsibility among enterprises and individuals


Legal field:

· Escuela de Padres y Madres (School of Parents)

· Legal advice (Family members)


· Workshops, debates, lectures, conferences, symposiums, courses: workshops in collaboration with “Cosmopolitan”, “Por fuera y por dentro: ¡cuídate!” (Outside and Inside: take care!), “Desayuno Saludable” (Healthy Breakfast), “El camino de aprender a ser yo mismo” (The way to learn how to be you) and personal advice

· School reports before and after the workshops: parents, students, teachers

· Educación para la Salud (School for Health), Educación Buconutricional (Oral and Nutritional Educacion)

Mostly addressed to teenagers, people under 28, but also to whole families.

Public Health and Social Field:

· Healthy school menus, recipes for school canteens

· Psychotherapy sessions, family mediation service

· “Jornadas sobre Trastornos Alimentarios en el Hospital Niño Jesús” (Eating Disorders Symposium at Hospital Niño Jesús),

· Educación Buconutricional (Oral and Nutritional Educacion), Imagen Corporal y prevención de los trastornos de la alimentación ( Body Image and Eating Disorders Prevention)

· Therapeutic dining halls in Hospital Clínico San Carlos

Mostly addressed to adolescents, people under 28, but all the inhabitants as well.

Economic and Political field:

· Pacto Social de la CAM contra los trastornos del comportamiento alimentario: la anorexia y la bulimia (Social Agreement Against Eating Disorders: Anorexia and Bulimia in Madrid Community):

Control of the Body Mass Index at Cibeles Fashion Week, advertising campaigns, health food stores.

Everybody may make a profit.


Legal field:

· Judges, lawyers, barristers, social workers


· Teachers, psychologists, career advisers, family counselors, social workers,

Public Health and Social field:

  • Family counselors, psychologists, psychiatrists, nutritionist, doctors, nurses, GPs, pediatricians, specialists (endocrinologists, internal medicine…)

Economic and Political field:

  • Families, teachers, students, politicians, doctors, nurses, psychologists, designers, models,

Nutrition is the intake of food, considered in relation to the body’s dietary needs. Good nutrition – an adequate, well balanced diet combined with regular physical activity – is a cornerstone of good health. Poor nutrition can lead to reduced immunity, increased susceptibility to disease, impaired physical and mental development, and reduced productivity.

Nutrition disorders can be caused by an insufficient intake of food or of certain nutrients, by an inability of the body to absorb and use nutrients, or by overconsumption of certain foods. Examples include obesity caused by excess energy intake, anaemia caused by insufficient intake of iron, and impaired sight because of inadequate intake of vitamin A. Nutrition disorders can be particularly serious in children, since they interfere with growth and development, and may predispose to many health problems, such as infection and chronic disease.

Circuito de Atención en Salud Mental

Mental Health Treatment Cycle

Patients make an appointment at Primary Health Centres where they are first examined. Then they are sent to their Mental Health District Centre and they are diagnosed and assessed what kind of treatment they may need:

  • Mental Health Centre together with Primary Health Centre
  • Mental Health Centre and Eating Disorders Surgery
  • Eating Disorders Surgery

In case of serious disorders patients can be sent to:

  • Mental Outpatient Surgery Hospital
  • Outpatient Surgery Unit at Hospital Santa Cristina

If they are under a pattern of physical or mental dysfunction patients are treated in:

  • Psychiatric Units in Hospitals full time
  • Endocrinological Units in hospitals full time

11% of students in Madrid aged 15-18 suffer from any kind of eating disorders: 3.4% suffer from anorexia or bulimia, 7.6% are at risk.

49% calls deal with eating disorders such as anorexia or bulimia. 28% are questions concerning nutrition, 23% about workshops. In most cases, young women aged 19-35 ask about healthy diet habits, specific diets, eating disorders.

17% young people who surf the Net are interested in web pages in favour of anorexia and bulimia

5% people from Madrid go on a diet without an expert control

71% people from Madrid eat fresh bread and 16% never eat it

Spain is the European country with the highest level of infantile obesity after Malta

By 1970s anorexia nervosa affected upper classes. Although it’s still more common among well-off people, it’s highly associated with industrialized societies.



Legal field:

  • High Court
  • Constitutional Court
  • Juvenile Court
  • Court of Appeal
  • Magistrate’s court
  • Court of First Instance
  • County Court
  • Spanish Constitution
  • International Human Rights
  • Defensor del Menor (Minor Representative)
  • Instituto Madrileño del Menor y la Familia (Minor and Family Institute of Madrid)
  • Guardia Civil (Civil Guard), Policía Nacional (National Police), CIASI (Sexual Abuse Intervention)


  • Consejería de Educación (Education Department of Madrid)
  • Concejalía de Educación (Education Department of Galapagar)
  • Schools
  • Democracia y Sexualidad “DemySex” (Democracy and Sexuality)
  • Escuela de Familia (Family School)

Public Health and Social field:

  • Consejería de Sanidad (Public Health Department of Madrid)
  • Concejalía de Sanidad y Salud (Public Health Deparment of Galapagar)
  • Concejalía de Seguridad (Public Safety Department of Galapagar)
  • Concejalía de Juventud (Youth Department of Galapagar)
  • Centros de salud (Health Centres)
  • Centros de Orientación familiar (Family Planning Guidance Medical Centres)
  • Centros municipales de planificación (Family Planning Guidance Town Centres)
  • IMSALUD (Public Health Institute of Madrid)
  • CJASM (Contraception and Sexuality Youth Centre of Madrid)

Economic and Political field:

  • Consejería de Educación (Education Department of Madrid)
  • Concejalía de Educación (Education Department of Galapagar)
  • Concejalía de Sanidad y Salud (Public Health Department of Galapagar)
  • Concejalía de Familia, Bienestar y Servicios Sociales (Social Welfare Department of Galapagar)
  • Instituto de Salud Carlos III (Health Institute Carlos III)
  • ANDOC (Asociación para la Defensa del Derecho a Objección de Conciencia) “Association in favour of the right to Conscientious objection”


Legal field:

  • Revealing people’s rights:

ü Sexual rights

ü Sexual integrity

ü Sexual equality

ü Sexual enjoyment

ü Abortion

  • Offering legal advice and help


  • Giving sexual education
  • Promoting sexual commitment and equality of sexes
  • Putting an end to sexual discrimination
  • Giving advice and promoting safer sexual behaviours

Public Health and Social field:

  • Giving information about sex
  • Preventing unwanted pregnancies
  • Giving fertility techniques
  • Offering Family Planning Guidance
  • Giving general access to quality condoms at affordable prices
  • Including STI treatment in basic health services

Economic and Political field:

  • Giving information, answering questions, showing different aspects of sex
  • Fostering healthy and responsible habits when dealing with sex


Legal field:

  • “Ley de Salud Sexual y Reproductiva y de Interrupción Voluntaria del Embarazo” ( The Abortion Law)
  • Steps, procedures and formalities

Mostly aimed at teenagers, but also parents and all the citizens


  • Lectures, workshops, surveys, courses
  • Personal advice
  • “Sexpresan” (Multimedia material )
  • Education and advice

Children and teenagers (11-18)

Public Health and Social field:

  • Condoms promotion
  • The Morning-after pill (Emergency Contraception)
  • Workshops, surveys
  • Homosexuality o bisexuality. Acceptance of sexual diversity
  • Early diagnosis of HIV
  • Use of correct and effective medicines, treatment of sexual partners
  • Provision for counseling and voluntary testing for HIV infection

Aimed at everybody, but mostly teenagers and young adolescents.

Economic and Political field:

  • Reports. “Enfermedades de declaración obligatoria” (Recognised illnesses)
  • Jornadas de Protección / Defensa femenina, delitos sexuales o agresión física ( Self-defense, Rape and Gender Violence workshop)
  • Involvement of all relevant stateholders, including the prívate sector and the community, in prevention and care of STIs
  • Specific services for populations with frequent or unplanned high-risk sexual behaviours

Young adolescents, teenagers, adult people and citizens (substance users, sex workers, prisoners…)


Legal field:

  • Solicitors, lawyers, barristers, psychologists, psychiatrists, social workers, social assistants, forensic surgeons


  • Teachers, psychologists, psychiatrists, sexologists, gynaecologists, career advisor, social workers

Public Health and Social Field:

  • Doctors, nurses, psychologists, psychiatrists, sexologists, sociologists, gynaecologists, social mediators

Economic and Political field:

  • Psychologists, doctors, politicians, social workers, experts in general

Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are infections that are spread primarily through person-to-person sexual contact. There are more than 30 different sexually transmissible bacteria, viruses and parasites. Several, in particular HIV and syphilis, can also be transmitted from mother to child during pregnancy and childbirth, and through blood products and tissue transfer.

Some of the commonest sexually transmitted pathogens can be divided into those caused by bacteria, viruses and parasites.

340 million new cases of curable STIs (syphilis, gonorrhoea, chlamydia and trichomoniasis) occur annually throughout the world in adults aged 15-49 years. In developing countries, STIs and their complications rank in the top five disease categories for which adults seek health care. Infection with STIs can lead to acute symptoms, chronic infection and serious delayed consequences such as infertility, ectopic pregnancy, cervical cancer and the untimely death of infants and adults.

Several common STDs adversely affect pregnancy, causing spontaneous abortions, stillbirths, preterm delivery and postpartum endometritis.

Prompt treatment for STIs is important to reduce the risk of HIV infection. Controlling STIs is important for preventing HIV in people at high risk, as well as in the general population. Some sexually transmitted infections often exist without symptoms. For example, up to 70% of women and a significant proportion of men with gonococcal and/or chlamydial infections may experience no symptoms at all. Both symptomatic and asymptomatic infections can lead to the development of serious complications,

Sexually transmitted infections have rocketed in recent years and the rise in promiscuity among teenagers has also contributed. HIV seropositives aged 13-20 have increased up to 9.7% in 2010. Madrid is one of the communities with a higher rate of contagious citizens in Spain. 77.4% are men and 73.9% are women between the age of 30-40.

In Spain people are considered to be sexually minors at an age under 13.

13% teenage boys and 23% teenage girls have undergone sexual abuse by 17.


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